I've seen things like for %%a and so on but my computer language skills are weak. I want to replace the "AAA_(episode title)_01" and "BBB_(episode title)_01" filenames with a wildcard so that it sequentially does the same instructions for all episodes in the folder when i execute the command in a batch file. Now i want to apply the same thing for all episodes in folder AAA using also all videos from folder BBB. "C:/Program Files/MKVToolNix\ mkvmerge.exe" -ui-language en -output ^"C:\Users\me\Videos\AAA\AAA_(episode title)_01 ^(1^).mkv^" -audio-tracks 0 -language 0:eng -language 2:und ^"^(^" ^"C:\Users\me\Videos\AAA\AAA_(episode title)_01.mkv^" ^"^)^" -no-video -no-chapters -language 0:jpn -track-name 0:Stereo -default-track 0:yes -language 1:eng -default-track 1:yes ^"^(^" ^"C:\Users\jslutz1\Videos\BBB\BBB_(episode title)_01.mkv^" ^"^)^" -track-order 0:2,0:0,1:0,1:1 Add any of the MKV files to be processed (drag-and-drop works just fine). See steps below: To Extract Audio files from MKV. But this tool can be used to extract all tracks from the video and one of that are the Audio files. You can download this program at mkvtoolnix.download. Then I copy the Command Line and i get this for the first episode: MKVToolNix is a tool to merge mp4 videos to mkv format, edit video tracks like subtitle and different audio dubbed. Let's say i take the first video from folder AAA and plan out what i want to do with it in the mkvtoolnix GUI. Mkvtoolnix is awesome but it only does one at a time. I have a bunch of videos and sometimes i want to switch things around and remux entire folders of videos.