Quite a lot of users are still using Opera 12 though (when Opera 15 was released, the UX significantly changed). Since Opera 15, Opera uses the same engine as Chrome. Release notes | For developers | Rapid release schedule Firefox: Latest ESR release + latest stable major version.Rules of thumb: Which browsers should be included? Clicky - This site offers statistics for individual versions screenshot.Wikimedia - Go to the bottom to open the latest report, SquidReportClients.W3Counter - View archived reports: January 2012 (Choose the last month).StatCounter - Statistic: Browser version | Time period: Last month screenshot.Can I use - Browser usage table, based on data from StatCounter and other sources.

Each site is suffixed by a brief usage guide. For this reason, I refer to Usage share of web browsers on Wikipedia, and the following sites for the latest browser version information. Time needed per browser (install & config).Rules of thumb: Which browsers should be included?.